Pediatric stomatology
Because children are our future
Healthy deciduous teeth are the best foundation for permanent teeth. With children it is important to visit dentist before any toothache so that the child may develop a positive connection with the doctor and will take future dental visits routinely. We believe that parents who visit dentist with their children already in their first year will gain better habits of how to take care of children’s teeth and will avoid many mistakes. With children, even more than with adults, periodic and systematic visits are very important because caries in deciduous tooth progresses much faster.
Exact process of treatment depends largely on young patient’s age.
Treatment of children from 6months to 3 years
We use mostly magnifying lenses with light, mirror and air. After the treatment parent is fully informed about child’s teeth, occlusion and mucosa. Together we go over cleaning instructions and if needed we set a treatment plan.
Treatment of children from 3 to 6 years using RTG
Interdental areas are getting enclosed at around child’s third year (often earlier). If the areas in between deciduous molar teeth are enclosed it is necessary, during the entry examination, to create RTG images for diagnostics of potential interdental caries. Mostly every child can handle having RTG images taken. Based on the images we are able to assess state of child’s teeth while also assessing state of hygiene, occlusion and mucosa. If the child cooperates we continue with dental hygiene including cleaning instructions not only with toothbrush but also with dental cotton, which is in this period very important and often underestimated by parents.
Treatment of children above 6 years using RTG and OPG
For children above 6 years, when permanent molar teeth are present, we supplement basic RTG images with OPG overview image. Thanks to this image we are able to see permanent tooth buds allowing us to early diagnose any potential problems with tooth eruption or jaw-orthopedic aberrations.
Happy at dentist
For the whole dental care, it is very important for child to develop a positive feeling in connection to dental appointment. Important role plays psychological approach of the doctor, assistant and entire personnel. Fully equipped ambulance, fairy tale books and videos and rewards are all present. Very important role plays also the parent himself. It is important not to pass any fears on the child, instead, support the child and discuss the upcoming dental appointment in positive way. We are always pleased to receive a drawing from your little one that helps create positive connections.
Dentist by game
In order for children to get accustomed to dental visits and parents to learn correct cleaning techniques for them, we put together new concept called DENTIST BY GAME. Here we play with your kids, do not push them into anything and in a playful way show them how does the chair work and what does a dentist do. For the braver ones we even do a dental check-up. Number of kids is limited so it is necessary to book your place in advance.
We do everything for children to feel comfortable in our clinic. However, if there was a previous negative experience, it may be difficult for a child to get over his/her fears. Therefore we offer innovative treatment methods in our clinic:
Conscious sedation
In case child’s cooperation does not improve even after several appointments, we may use conscious sedation. Active substance is midazolam that is served in form of dilution within child’s favorite juice 15 minutes prior to treatment. Child is able to communicate and is aware of all stimulations. With conscious sedation we prevent any traumatic experience, because due to amnesia, child does not remember the treatment.